Congratulations to Glascott Group!

news-imageCongratulations to Glascott Group on securing the tender to supply Sydneys Largest Greenroof Project!

StraBe is partnering with Glascott to deliver this excellent heritage preservation project.

Coal Loader Centre for Sustainability – Waverton

The last main stage of the redevelopment of the Coal Loader Centre for Sustainability a major milestone of the Waverton Peninsula Strategic Master Plan will see the creation of one of Sydney’s largest publicly accessible green roof spaces on the old coal-loading platform. The concrete and sandstone platform structure is one hectare in size (you could fit seven Olympic-sized  swimming pools side by side along its length!) and when complete will be a multi-purpose recreational space with spectacular views of the harbour…

The green roof project will include community ‘urban harvest’ plots (vegetables, fruit trees, aquaculture) irrigated by recycled stormwater, a performance space, extensive seating and viewing areas, as well as heritage interpretation of the original coal loading operations. Up to 250,000 litres of collected stormwater will be filtered through ‘raingardens’ established in the old coal loading chutes and stored in one of the old tunnels beneath the platform. Skylights will be created over the existing pedestrian tunnel.

A colonnade along the western edge is designed to provide shelter from sun and rain and will support special integrated solar panels that will generate electricity to 100% offset site power requirements. Grape vines will be planted to grow along the colonnade (based on heritage varieties originally imported by Alexander Berry – the original British settler of the area). These vines will provide summer shade, whilst being view friendly and the grapes can be harvested for wine-making. A demonstration area will also be established to provide guidance on the best local Australian plants for green-roof environments.

When complete the platform will provide opportunities as an ‘outdoor classroom’ in keeping with the hands on learning philosophy of the Centre for Sustainability. A range of smart technologies and sensors will be installed to monitor key environmental parameters and this information will be fed back to a website portal, allowing remote interaction, research and analysis by schools, universities and other interested groups.

It is anticipated the project will be open within 18 months and will cost in the order of $8 million.

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