Tree Grates & Planters

Streetscape Tree Grates & Planters

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StraBe’s designer tree grates are the perfect blend of form and function. Available in various styles, sizes and designs, they protect tree roots, manage stormwater, promote healthier trees and plants by offering air and rainwater a pass to the roots, while providing a safe, DDA compliant pedestrian surface.

Using StraBe’s product modification options, you can easily specify custom designed tree grates and planters with our selection of different streetscape materials, powder-coat colours, insert branding and custom sizing to suit your project – to create urban infrastructure that is unique to your project specifications and aesthetic requirements.

Protect your green infrastructure with StraBe tree grates and planters. Choose from our extensive range of steel tree grates, circular tree grates, round tree grates, cast iron tree grates,urban accessories tree grates, tree grates & planters Australia and tree grates Australia.